Thursday, January 8, 2015

Snow Day

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it sno...wait? Do I have enough food to get me through tomorrow?!? Panic ensues whenever a snow storm is on the horizon. When you are on Whole 30 and a snow storm is coming, you better be ready. Ok, so it's not that dramatic (at all), but after going back to work today for the first time since the new year I realized that I'm still not quite "public" ready. If you read my previous post here, you know that I've been sick for days and my cough sounds like I should be ordering my iron lung using Amazon Prime. 

Here in Michigan, Old Man Winter is anticipated to share about 4 inches of snow with us overnight. Thinking about dealing with the roads, the ice, the shoveling...ugh...I opted to work from home tomorrow. Since working from home means I don't have to venture in to the blustery winter weather, I figured it would be a bright idea to do all my grocery shopping today. 

My friend and I started at Costco on our lunch hour. I have a Sam's Club membership and do not get the luxury of checking out all the cool things Costco has happening on the regular. Can you say Organic? Costco can. I might have to write a letter explaining the word to Sam's Club because I was so impressed with all the awesome finds at Costco. Organic frozen mixed berries, pineapple, blueberries, strawberries; organic vegetables, organic eggs, ghee in a 64 oz tub for $15.99 (requires some investigation to see if it's compliant) , organic lemon juice, Wholly Guacamole (can I get a witness), organic spices and so much more. If you don't have a membership, get one. If you can't afford one, send a friend request to someone that already has one, is. awesome. This place is a Whole 30 dream for me. Even though they didn't have the sausage or bacon our Instagram friends find at their locations, I was surprised by all the additional Whole 30 compliant foods they offered. Two thumbs up, a "Z" snap and four and a quarter stars to Costco. 

(Anyone else feel like they were in a time warp? Like I should have known about Costco YEARS ago?)

My most coveted find of today had to be the organic lemon juice. Though, some people don't find this a big deal, it's not as easy to find as one would think. I checked local grocery stores before heading to Trader Joe's because "I know they'll have it" and sure enough, it could not be found anywhere. So behold, the beautiful, organic, comes in a 2-pack from Costco...lemon juice.  

So you got the lemon juice, now what? Well...personally I love to add it to water. Adding it to water really breaks up the monotony of drinking 72+ ounces of plain water each day. I've read several articles that say it's one of the best ways to start your day (hot or cold, pick a study, YOU be the judge). Lemon juice can be used in the kitchen or around the house for cleaning and sanitizing. After someone in the house gets down with the sickness (like yours truly) a little lemon juice can go along way.  You can add it to guacamole to keep it from turning brown. Soggy lettuce can become crisp again after bathing in lemon juice and water for an hour. Just dry the lettuce thoroughly and enjoy a fresh, crisp salad. You could erase dark spots on your skin, cleanse your skin, lighten you hair, lighten your nails, freshen your non-gum-chewing, no-mint-having breath(the Whole 30 struggle is real). So many possibilities and benefits with this awesome citrus fruit juice, it will not go wasting away in your fridge or pantry. 

Most of all, I love adding it to a variety of Whole 30 compliant recipes. Keep checking our blog to see a garlic lemon recipe that will knock your Whole socks off! ~Nicci, Whole30-day 5

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