Friday, January 23, 2015

Non-Scale Victory (NSV)

People start their Whole30 journey for a number of reasons; from allergies to weight loss, we all have our own personal reasons. Ultimately, my goal when starting my first Whole30 was weight loss. Now, let me back it up a little bit. I should start with the fact that a couple years ago, maybe like, 201o/2011-ish?!?! (I can't remember yesterday, so trying to remember the date is a little rough.) Squirrel!

Ok, let's try that again. A few years ago my doctor told me that my blood sugar levels were off and she considered me to be pre-diabetic. I tried to lose weight right away, and I did. Then I gained it back. Post weight gain, my doctor told me that my blood sugar/glucose levels were off again, and that I need to start a medication called Metformin. 

What is metformin?

Metformin is an oral diabetes medicine that helps control blood sugar levels.

Metformin is for people with type 2 diabetes. Metformin is sometimes used in combination with insulin or other medications, but it is not for treating type 1 diabetes.
Metformin may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
(Information from

So, I was disappointed with myself, angry at myself and most importantly, my poor health habits were starting to catch up with me (more than just in the looks department, I'm talking serious business).  I had taken Metformin off and on for approximately 3 years (give or take). Every time I would lose weight, I'd be ok and not require it. Then I would gain it back and have to start taking it again. I never really noticed the problems associated with Type II Diabetes until the summer of 2014. I was pushing my highest weight again and for the first time I was having issues controlling my sugar. By July, I was having horrible dizzy spells at work and would sometimes get very disoriented. It was unpleasant, embarrassing and scary. I had never felt that way before and it frightened me that I let everything get so out of control. I was taking the Metformin, but it wasn't helping me anymore. I felt knew that I was getting sicker and that it was very possible that I dropped that "pre" in pre-diabetic. Signs were showing that I needed to see the doctor.  My mom was worried and told me to start taking cinnamon pills because she read that cinnamon helps control your blood sugar. The cinnamon pills actually controlled my sugar a lot. They sometimes brought it down too low, so I started to experiment. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT RECOMMEND EXPERIMENTING WITH YOUR HEALTH! IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ANYTHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY, SEEK THE ATTENTION OF A PHYSICIAN. What I did was absolutely stupid and could have gone completely different. *steps down from soap box* I took myself off of the Metformin and started taking the cinnamon pills only, along with starting the Whole30 program. I started Whole 30 on 2 September and by mid-October, I was off of the cinnamon pills with no dizziness and no physical signs of the "pre-beatus." I plan on going to the doctor soon to have my blood levels checked to make sure everything is ok. But since mid-October I have felt no signs of blood sugar struggles. 
I do know that my iron levels are great, which has always been a struggle for me. I was able to donate blood to the Red Cross twice since starting these rounds of Whole30s in September.
I believe that Whole30 was the reason I was able to get off this medicine.  I encourage anyone that is having a similar struggle to talk to their doctor about starting the Whole30. See what this plan can do for you. 
~Nicci, Whole30-Day 20 


  1. Nicci!! That's awesome! I didn't know about all this- so glad you are feeling better & doing it the right way!! ❤️

  2. Oh, this is Tracey. I didn't know my comments post as Dale! 😂
