The Whole30 timeline has been instrumental in helping me know what my body is doing and what to expect. I think this is approximately my sixth Whole30 since September of 2013. Let’s just say January through September of 2014, I was a mess and very self destructive. Back to the timeline….I don’t know about other people participating in a Whole30, but I look at that timeline several times a day in the beginning. Mostly because I want to know where I am….where I’ll be tomorrow…and what I’ve been through according to the creators of the Whole30 program. I’ve read the descriptions of each phase so many times; I know them forwards and backwards. Usually, this timeline is spot on and today is no exception.
Days 10-11: The Hardest Day
Today is my day 11 and it’s like I cheated yesterday. I don’t know if it’s the day or the fact that I ate nuts yesterday and I plan on investigating to see if this is one of the foods that effects me negatively. I woke up this morning and hit snooze, and when my snooze alarm went off, I set it for five more minutes. It was a struggle just trying to get out of bed. It feels like I am hung-over. Yesterday, I thought to myself “day 10, the hardest days?! HA! If this is hard, bring it on.” Today, not so much…..I just want to get back in to bed and sleep. I feel super bloated, more than days 8-9 (For the love of Gosling, my pants are TIGHTER!) I believe, for me, today is a combination feeling of the hardest days and my pants are tighter. In the past, this may detour me, but on Whole30 I’m so much stronger and motivated to keep going. I know that boundless energy and tiger blood are just around the corner and I can’t wait for them to start. I’m definitely not letting this morning get to me. It’s still early. The day is young and I’m hoping it will only get better from now.
I took the headings of the timeline and put them on one page for a quick reference. I saved this to my photos and now find it easy to refer to versus going to the Whole30 website. (which I still do for 10 other reasons a day)
Share with us your experiences on Whole30 in the comments below. Did the timeline help you out? Nicci, Whole30-Day-11
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