It was during that training period that I did my first whole30 and it was an AH-ha moment for me. 💡 I was able to complete my 14+ mile trainings without any gastrointestinal issues. I have been paralyzed with pain in the middle of races from those issues in the past. The idea that I could go further without any stops or pain was ahhhhhhh-mazing to me.
It didn't start that way though. My first whole30 long training, I was unprepared, and by unprepared, I mean starving with no fuel… for 14 miles. It was awful. Did I mention I was doing all of this in South Florida, during the hot & humid summer? 😰 So, that meant research. I needed a plan to keep going without sacrificing my training. Lots of people have found taking ziploc bags of mashed sweet potatoes or bananas being useful. I personally missed the convenience of Gu packets. I tried doing just (compliant!) Larabars but it wasn't enough. One night I was grocery shopping and found some manna from heaven…
It sounds silly but these were life-changing for me. They're portable and convenient. And they taste great!! I only get the ones that are fruit and veggie mixed… I feel like the all fruit ones are just too much sugar. Usually with Gu, you take a packet every 4 miles or so as you need it, but they always made my energy a roller coaster throughout a race.
So for my 9 mile training today…
I forgot to add the Larabar that I ate on my way as my pre-workout. Usually, I like deviled eggs with a slice of baked sweet potato but I haven't made hard-boiled eggs this week. This is what I started with today…
3 packets of organic fruit/veggie snacks
1 Larabar
Pear slices in a cup with cashew butter on the bottom for recovery after. (It's a long ride home! 😁)
I only ended up using 2 packets and half of the Larabar but it's better to start with too much than not enough. It's important to remember that you need to compensate for the nutrients you are sweating out. I haven't found a compliant electrolyte replacement so I'm more careful about what food I'm choosing to use for fuel. You can find the Peter Rabbit Organics in the produce section at most grocery stores. Look here to see where they are by you…
The Plum Organics are in the baby food section. There are plenty of other options, but remember to read your labels!! The ones I choose are organic fruit & veggies, possibly some juice, and usually lemon juice from concentrate.
Do you do any endurance sports? What have you found that works for you?
~ Nicole
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