Thursday, February 5, 2015

Nicci's Results on Whole30

Although, I have yet to share my entire Whole30 journey, I wanted to share my results thus far. I started on September 2, 2014 (this time) and have completed 3-Whole30s. I have been eating Whole30 compliant foods this whole time, minus 5 days of cheat meals (Thanksgiving, Christmas, my BFF's wedding, a card party and once when Nicole was here in Michigan). I can count them on one hand. I am so motivated by the results and although I still have a long journey ahead, I'm overjoyed by the progress I've made and the way I feel when eating real food. 

I love cooking, and this way of eating allows me to explore new flavors and foods. I have become much more adventurous in the kitchen since starting Whole30. There are so many benefits to eating this way, but one of the best is the amount of money I have saved from not eating out and going to lunch every day. Lunches at my work have become refreshingly fun lately, because of the interest my food has brought to the office. People at my work have recently asked me to cook for them because my lunches look so good. They crowd around my desk and ask "what's on the menu for today"....I end up sharing bites regularly. I love sharing my recipes and food while spreading the Whole30 word. 

More recently people have been stopping me and asking "what am I doing to lose all this weight?" This is my time to share the amazing results that Whole30 has given me. I share the benefits of my clearer skin, my no-longer-a-necessity (real word, I swear) to be on pre-diabetes medicine, my healthier and regular digestive system and the most important one to me, the fact that my depression has been completely controlled and tolerable. I have struggled with depression since I was about 9-years-old, that I can remember. This stemmed from being much bigger than most of the kids and some adults around me. Depression and my weight go hand-in-hand. You want to know how I'm feeling? Look at a picture and my size and you will know just how bad I'm feeling. My goal isn't to get to the weight I was in my twenties, or even high goal is to get to my middle school weight. Then, for once in my teen/adult life I will finally be a healthy "normal" weight according to the BMI chart. 

I believe that Whole30 sets us up to want to motivate to work out. I have had a really hard time motivating to work out this time around. I keep telling myself I'm going to start, but I have yet to begin. My next Whole30, which is I guess going on now, I really want to get a routine going. Between work and school I make excuses every day. I walked at work today, which is better than doing nothing, but I still need to get a good routine started. 

So here's the breakdown of my weight loss results:

Sept 2 - Oct 2: Down 24.5lbs
Oct 3 - Nov 12: Down 17.6lbs
Nov 13 - Dec 13: Down 12.2lbs
Dec 13 - Jan 3: Up 1.8lbs (damn holiday, weddings and parties)
Jan 4 - Feb 3: Down 13lbs 

Non-Scale Victories:
*All my previous clothing is lose or fits comfortably (which leads me to believe my clothes were way too small before)
*Bought new jeans in a size I haven't seen since middle school
*Bought The North Face jacket I've wanted for years...NOT in their biggest size...because that's a promise I made to myself...oh, and it fits
*No diabetes medicines
*No medicines at all
* Better/clearer skin
*Way more energy...though I'm not working out, I am getting way more done around the house. I don't come home and park my behind on the couch for hours at a time. I cook, I clean, I play with my dog, I do my homework...before Whole30, just hearing all that would have made me exhausted and require a nap. 
*Knowledge of food and other things we put in to our bodies has grown so much in the last few months. I am much more confident in making healthy decisions.
Most Important Non-Scale Victory:
*Feel amazing! Able to control my depression and concentrate on the positive changes I'm making in my life. 

Still need a reason to try Whole30? Check out these before and afters:

As seen on Instagram, me in August at my birthday party and me at my friend's New Year's Eve celebrations.....

Both the pic to the left and the one underneath are pics from September 2, 2014 and today, February 5, 2015...5 months and 67 pounds later...I still have a long journey ahead, but I'm excited to keep going. Look, a collarbone! 

Have you had great Whole30 success? Do you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Whole30 plan? Leave a comment, we'd love to hear from you. ~Nicci, Whole30, Day 2 or 32....whichever

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